D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

from "The Sub-Lunar Realm"
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A muted kaleidoscope of darkness.
A dead rainbow that makes blackened halos.
Eyes which gaze insistently from the void
beckon me to wither in fear of them.
Who is this beast whose gaze disembowels me?
Fear tightens its grip on my ailing mind.
I think of blasphemy, sodomy, death
as the evil inside encircles me
I cry out to God, but there’s no answer.
This is how I am punished for my hubris!
Entangled in a web of black chaos,
my soul pierced by eyes, most terrible eyes!
Objects injected with paranoid thoughts;
death is salient within everything.
The clocks hands are arrows pointing to Hell,
Everything I see is my destroyed mind.
A black miasma of psychotic thoughts
hovers like a sentence above my soul,
condemning me despite Reason’s protests.
I am at war with my very own self.
No matter who wins this, I’m defeated
because the battlefield is my own self.
Split between what I think and what I fear,
my mind is not designed for such abuse.
Psychosis is duality in mind,
bicephalous demons from the dark void,
war within that will not resolve itself,
a curse, madness’s maw, a thick darkness.

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