Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Short Thoughts

1. If you’re going to be an idiot, aspire to be the biggest idiot who has ever lived.

2. The stars do not care about the beauty of ourselves, but the filth of stars became us, who care about the beauty of the stars.

3. It’s no wonder that drug addicts usually find a religion as a cure; few learn to walk on their own two feet.

4. How one responds to the presence of death determines one’s life.

5. A soul is fatal: it believes it leaps out of the body and its death does not matter.

6. The key to understanding the basic truths of the world is to stop rejecting them with all of your might.

7. Facts, whether a flawed concept or not, are essential to the life of the mind, and to using the mind to sustain one’s life.

8. In our times, the misuse of reason has led to its vilification, but the misuse of the consequential rejection of reason is having worse consequences.

9. There is no greater distinction in our world than between the imaginary and the real; it is the foundation of most of what we think.

10. Care should be taken in both accepting and rejecting the existence of opposites in a situation.

11. Every word seems like murder to those who reject reason.

12. Subjectivity and objectivity come from the distinction between mind and body, and ultimately the Christian (and Platonic) distinction between spirit and matter. Is it possible that the entire existence of subjectivity could be an error in reason, or not?

13. The desire to immortalize one’s pain can sometimes be a desire to ignore that one may have suffered for no good reason at all.

14. For some, compassion knows no bounds; for others, it is cruelty.

15. Trees grow ten times taller than humans and usually live longer, yet they stay in the same place their entire lives.

16. Though filled with corruption, there is a horrific beauty to our civilization that seduces one with all of its might.

17. There is nothing uglier than a person who abandons their integrity for fame and money; to the discerning mind, they are insufferable.

18. The sun sustains life, but cares not one whit for it, except in the imaginations of poets.

19. The desire not to suffer may be the root of much mental illness, but the mentally ill suffer more than most.

20. Humans given the right conditions can be basically nice to each other [Edit: with countless notable exceptions], but as a whole have caused the greatest threat to the continued existence of life in millions of years.

21. There are times when it is better to understand what is inaccurate more than what is accurate.

22. The purpose of the emotions is to communicate what is important, but much that is unimportant is also communicated.

23. There is something terrifying about a picture of a neuron, almost as if we were not meant to see it.

24. Tranquility can be blissful, but the expression of pure rage can be ecstatic.

25. Some destroy through direct use of force, others slowly whittle away at their victims.

26. Most misanthropes limit their contact with humans to those who are despicable.

27. Nothing screams "I am unaware of my own homosexuality" like a man who hates women.

28. Within every genius, there is a beast that needs its fill of stupidity.

29. It's not that no artist tolerates reality, it's that some embellish it to make it more understandable or enjoyable.

30. Let's simplify the Western human so that a child could understand themselves: there is a top, middle, and bottom. The bottom is invisible, though sometimes lets itself be known when one submits to it, though it usually lies. The top wants itself to be known and obeyed. The middle is made up of conflicting desires to submit to the bottom or to listen to the top.

31. Much darkness of the heart stems from lack of love for family.

32. I suppose a humble person could stand to be corrected.