The Garden of Unbecoming
April 13, 2024Elaborating on my
previous article about the possible "Gardens of Truth" that exist, I will posit the existence of a "garden" which may influence us, yet may be a little obscure and difficult to understand. To recap, the gardens that I theorized as possibly existing are:
Truth Garden A: Which contains truths based on knowledge.
Truth Garden B: Which contains truths based on belief.
Truth Garden C: Which contains truths based on transcendental enlightenment.
Truth Garden D: Which contains truths based on will and power.
Now, let us go for a minute to a garden, we'll call it Truth Garden E, which one may want to avoid with all of their effort. It is like the antipode to Truth Garden C, in that it almost believes that truth is ultimately subjective. However, in this garden, the existence of truth, or really the actual existence of anything at all is completely rejected, as if there is literally nothing.
Since there are multiple people that exist in this garden, the solipsistic views seem illogical. However, logic and the basic axioms of existence are rejected just as forcefully as any other idea in this reality, with highly destructive results. This garden is only half inhabited, as anyone who stayed in it for too long would eventually disappear into nothingness as the truths that make up their existence on one hand dissolve when viewed by the subjectivists in Truth Garden C and D and as the solipsists are influenced by the forces of darkness believed to exist by Truth Garden B, which contains truths based on traditional belief, and it is only those who view truth as being based on knowledge of an objective material world that exists independent of the mind that even keeps the atoms that make up their bodies intact.
Truth Garden E, or the garden which contains the non-existence of truth or the existence of anything as its sole truth, paradoxically takes the power of definition away from its inhabitants as they are, unbeknownst to them, only defined by others. Emptied of any meaningful view, they become exactly what they are seen as: delusional, amoral animals to those who prefer scientific knowledge, those under the thrall of the forces of evil to the religious, those who are becoming non-existent due to the influence of the enlightened who recognize that without the existence of anything, a subject dissolves, and the inhabitants of Truth Garden E become sometimes-useful idiots of the criminal underworld who are often manipulated and are frequently jailed or executed by those in Truth Garden D.
Always searching for something to destroy to have something to live for, they are kept alive merely by the belief that they are delusional by those from the other gardens. In a sense, they have no real personality, and their creativity is directed into embodying what the other gardens define them as--which is usually as a corrosive influence.
However, those in Truth Garden E, the garden where truth is seen as non-existent, sometimes find that by seeing how others define them, they may understand the true nature of reality, and many eventually cross over to Truth Garden C--with many scars from their misadventures in unbecoming that they experienced in Truth Garden E. The members of Truth Garden C might not welcome the influence of people from Truth Garden E, whose former nihilistic temperament causes them to become martyrs quite often, and they often find themselves wandering the other gardens, struggling to give life some kind of positive meaning. Blind belief sometimes suits these people better.
The most clever among those in Truth Garden E realize they are being defined and actively seek to cause others to define them in ways that give them power. However, if they attain political power, it is generally without having any ethical concerns and centered around selfish personal gain, and generally there is a simple, false persona built up and fed by the other gardens which gains inflated power when the credulous of gardens A and B have degenerated to the point where they can believe the lies of someone who comes from garden E. As such, when looked at through a historical lens, those who came from garden E and went to garden D as they gained political power look almost cartoonishly evil to most people, as they let peoples' evil expectations of themselves define them as monsters in their "incubation" stage.
Some of them definitely do become monsters, however.