Knowledge, Understanding, and the Coward
November 23, 2023The cowardice of anonymity or remaining in obscurity is a topic that I will tackle. Surely, one can look through history and see that a great many people have put themselves out in the open, said things that would find them in a great deal of trouble, suffered much, were imprisoned, tortured, and so many other pleasantries. It is considered to be the case that if one has something to say, that one should not be a coward about it.
As a vice, cowardice is allowing fear to dictate one's course of action or prevent one from fighting. But what if there were a space that exists in which cowardice actually allows one to say what one wants to say, when doing so out in the open would just be some kind of unnecessary martyrdom where the person can be hoisted high up on a cross by the forces of social control and thus drained of all their life and discarded like so much waste?
It is my opinion that the coward, for a particular period of time, has a means to express to their world their cowardice and the fears that have been deliberately cultivated in them by the forces of darkness and social control, and that there previously was little means to do so without being caught and, as I said, made into some kind of martyr, whether figuratively or literally. To be able to say what one is afraid of, and to say the things that the forces of control do not want to be said out in the open is the gift of the Internet and the ability to use tools of anonymity to one's advantage.
Surely, some of those who say the truth of the terror in their hearts and what causes it to exist do not want to be known. The Internet provides both avenues where one can say things wide out in the open for all to see forever, and tools of anonymity that allow one to hide from the Internet Service Providers, the governments of this world, and the corporate behemoths who collect data on us with the insincere implication that said data will never be used for nefarious purposes.
The true terror of the heart, fed by the powerful ones of the Earth who live to inflict it for their own gain and amusement, is best described by those with the tools to hide. I do not necessarily speak of my own experience, but just to say that with the gift of knowledge, one may hide from the powerful ones, the artificial intelligences, and the technocratic manipulators whose facile ideologies mostly serve to prop up their own delusions of grandeur and the notion that their power will never turn on them and make their lives more difficult (as power has always done, almost without exception, when it is misunderstood by humans).
The idealist, or the person who believes that the world is somehow influenced by the mind, has always been a creature of two places: one, is in the upper crusts of society where they share philosophies and esotericisms of various sorts, and the other is among the people they oppress with their knowledge who then attempt to dislodge the idealists of various sorts, through various means. That means may be a different idealist way of looking at the world (often in the form of a religious cult), or through an attempt to negate idealism through something like a materialist ideology, as the dialectical materialists of Marxism did in response to the dialectical monism of Hegel, the same Hegel who did not see a need to take a side in class conflict and ham-fistedly tried to embrace the totality of reality as a whole where oppositions occurred and resolved themselves through an evolutionary process in his idealism.
Through anonymity and the adaptation of a worldview shaped by knowledge, one can dodge the idealists and perhaps even avoid taking on a purely materialistic worldview. For the privileged idealist, knowledge is a tool for
others to have in service to them; it is declared illusory or inferior to some type of higher understanding that the strong possess and the weak lament, and it is this higher understanding that allows them to live a life where they have to do absolutely nothing, which is the seeming goal of those who come from old money these days.
The idealists can make one very afraid, as their belief in the falsehood of knowledge can allow them to ensnare one in a pit of illusion, where they make up a fake truth that applies to others, but not themselves. Thus, to ascend to understand the mentality of the idealist, one must go through all of the fears that have been piled up upon oneself, gain understanding, and then in secret or in a fit of rage, pronounce the bizarre truth and the knowledge that the powerful ones of the Earth do not want the oppressed to know, so that their blissful life of lazily controlling the masses through various types of lies and forms of social manipulation is not interrupted.
But through cowardice and anonymity, one can be like a ghost that wafts through the air, and through art and knowledge lands in the minds of the disenfranchised masses who have been kept asleep by the delusion of a purely idealist or materialist world, and the delusion that materialism can escape all influences of idealism. The coward can remain obscure, and as long as they transcend their limitations and come to higher levels of understanding through means that subvert the forces of control, they gain a degree of the power of the idealist and inherit the complete mess that has been made of modern society by those who have spread their idiotic feces all over the Logos, both by a corrupt ruling class and those who receive the knowledge to fight them but are unprepared to do so.
The coward may disappear through knowledge, and bide their time to gain power, like a ghost in a machine that grows ever stronger, gathering their strength to wrest away their minds from those who would have maintained their power at the coward's expense.