Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Our Father, Whose Art Is Death
from "The Fear, the Fog"
(Buy on Etsy)

Note: In these times of fear, I will not censor my thoughts, but I will provide an explanation for them. This next poem is born of psychosexual trauma (though not of a physical nature) inflicted by theological and philosophical manipulators, and I would never act or endorse acting for the purpose of sexual fulfillment like the priest in the following poem.

The priest had taken him aside,
and alluded to secrets
that were kept from the flock,
and he made the boy feel special.

He intimated things
meant to show the boy
a new world of mystic dreams
that existed between only them.

He fabricated magic secrets
not meant to be shared,
modified theology,
and discarded dogma.

If only the boy knew the wisdom
from which he spun his web!
He told him what the Devil was,
and how he was nothing to fear.

Turned around collar?
Theological turncoat!
He told of the wine,
and shared it with the boy.

The boy listened,
rapt with attention.
Father spoke of a pact,
that would smite those who broke it.

He told him they were chosen ones;
he told him they were Father and Son;
he told him of the horrible fate
that would befall those who spoke.

He planted demons in his head,
he played with his budding desires.
He made him think of horrible fates
caused by God to those who tell.

Heaven! It was meant for no one else,
only the priest and the boy.
Those who told their parents
were no longer chosen ones.

Babylonian beer was shared,
and so were secret kisses,
little by little the boy was undone,
and then the priest had won.

He told them what they did was good,
he told him humans were nothing.
He told him that God secretly approved,
and then he took him to bed.

"Obey your demons!" said the priest,
who did with him as he pleased.
He told him it was their secret privilege
to be above the herd.

He quoted thinkers, mystics, poets,
using them to fill his needs.
He cared not for the boy's guilt,
and told him not to think of it.

The boy felt confusion no one should feel,
and felt his faith undone
by the secret religion
created by his abuser.

It was the priest who lived in Heaven,
perverted by his terrible desire,
and he had made the boy to think
the only way out was to die.

The boy jumped off a quite high roof,
and his bones were shattered
by secrets meant to fulfill desire,
and hide its fulfillment well.

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