Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

from "The Sub-Lunar Realm"
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It's lower, lower, higher than ourselves.
Urine and feces decorate the floor.
A centipede lives to roam the walls
unmolested by man--its predator.
Yes, a killer who wipes the planet clean
does not sully this space with his presence.
This purely impure room of filthy things
which glisten with their yellow and brown hues,
is it the space of the newborn infants
who vacate their bowels so innocently?
If they found a baby snake in this place
why they would play with it all hours of day!
A spiderweb adorns a wall's corner
An arachnid feasts on an insect's husk
Here's a temple adorned with filth and grime
which lives under the brain of human beings.

Vomitted forth like a drink thats burning:
offal and garbage crawling with maggots.
Festering deep under the daily mind
is this unspeakable place of refuse.
What comes forth from the bladder and anus
all ends up in this sphere of filth and waste.
Toilet paper mixed with feces and flies
putrefying under a lost black sun
There are cotton swabs with earwax on them
swimming in a soup of diarrhea
This is the sewer beneath a man's soul,
the place of all of his lost bowel movements
Food and drink crawling with loathsome insects
feasting on all that has been rejected
"Horrendous, disgusting, vile and loathsome"
say those humans who flushed it all away.

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